Fixed Hunting Seats vs Swivel Hunting Chairs

If you do any shopping for hunting chairs online or in a store, you’re going to figure out that hunting chairs are grouped into two loose categories:

  • Fixed Hunting chairs
  • Swivel Hunting chairs

Let’s talk about the differences between the two classifications:

Fixed Hunting Chairs

First, a simple definition: a fixed hunting chair is one that does not swivel or turn. It may or may not feature an adjustable height, but the chair direction is set in place.

Portable Hunting Chairs

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of this style:


  • As this style does not swivel, they tend to weigh less than a swiveling chair.
  • Since they tend to weigh less, they are generally easier to carry or transport compared to a swiveling hunting chair.
  • Also, because this style does not swivel, there are fewer moving parts, which means less chance of mechanical failure.
  • In addition, because they do not swivel, this style tends to be more budget-friendly than a swiveling model.


  • This chair style does not swivel and has to be manually turned.
  • This style is usually not designed as a full chair but more of either a triangular-shaped chair or a stool design.
  • Since this style is not a full chair design, they are not as comfortable as a full chair style.
  • Most fixed models do not feature adjustable legs or are height adjustable.

Swivel Hunting Chairs

This style of chair is one that features a swiveling seat that will rotate 360 degrees. Most of this style of hunting chair also features adjustable legs and offers adjustable height.

Here are some pros and cons of this chair design:


  • The first is obvious: this design allows the hunter to swivel 360 degrees.
  • This style is generally a full chair design, so they offer a higher degree of comfort compared to a triangle design or simple camp-style stool.
  • This design usually features adjustable legs so the height can be adjusted.
  • Generally, this design offers full back support.


  • The swivel feature and full chair design mean this style is usually heavier compared to a fixed chair.
  • The heavier weight can adversely impact the portability of this style.
  • This style features more moving parts than a fixed chair, which means a higher possibility of mechanical failure or something breaking.
  • The added features that come with this design generally come with a higher price tag compared to a fixed hunting chair.

Which hunting chair style is better?

There really isn’t a right or wrong answer to that question. The better question to ask and answer is this one: what’s the best chair style for you?

Given the pros and cons of each style, here are my thoughts on which type is better:

  • If budget and weight are not a factor, then the swivel models might be a better choice as they are more comfortable and offer better back and lumbar support. The higher degree of comfort means you can sit longer without moving, which may increase your chances of a successful hunt.
  • If you are strictly shopping on weight and portability, then one of the fixed, non-swiveling models is probably a better option as they are lighter and easy to transport.
  • If you are shopping strictly on budget, then a non-swiveling chair is probably a better option as they tend to be less expensive.


Here are some frequently asked questions that I see and hear asked about both non-adjustable and swivel hunting chairs:

Are swivel hunting chairs worth the money?

I’m not sure there’s an accurate yes or no answer to that question as the answer depends on several factors or secondary questions to be answered.

For example, how important is the swivel function to you in relation to your desired budget? If the swivel function is vital for your needs, and you don’t mind paying more for it, then the answer is probably yes; it is worth the money.

If the swivel functionality is not vital or not essential to your needs, then the answer is probably going to be no; it is not worth it.

I place significant value on the swiveling capability, so the extra costs associated with it are absolutely worth it to me.

Is the adjustable seat height worth the money?

Very much like the swivel functionality, the answer will depend on your personal preferences and how the value you place on comfort.

Being slightly taller than average, I much to have the adjustable height feature on a blind chair versus not having that feature. I’ve had situations before where I was deer hunting in an elevated box blind using a fixed height hunting chair and faced the following issues:

The chair legs were too short for my legs, so I could not sit in a comfortable position.

The chair height, combined with my seated height, put me in a position where I had to duck my head down to see out the blind windows. Imagine sitting like that off and on for 4 and 5 hours at a time.

A chair with an adjustable height would have potentially solved that issue, so the added costs associated with the adjustable height feature are well worth the money to me.

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